Facial Trauma

Facial Trauma

Facial trauma means injuries to the face, and no matter the cause, whether it is an auto accident, a workplace injury, a sports injury or physical assault, these injuries cause a great deal of physical and emotional pain and trauma in patients. Treating facial trauma to a patient’s best advantage in terms of long-term function and appearance requires a high degree of knowledge about oral and facial anatomy and intensive, hands-on training and experience in emergency care and acute treatment, as well as the longer-term aspects of care such as reconstruction and rehabilitation. As a highly-trained and experienced Baltimore oral surgeon, Bonnie Arroyo, DDS is uniquely qualified to meet the treatment needs of facial trauma patients.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Facial trauma often includes soft tissue injuries, or injuries to the skin, gums, eyes, facial nerves or salivary glands. When soft tissue injuries occur, such as facial or intra oral lacerations, they are generally repaired by suturing. Given the sensitive nature of these injuries, Dr. Arroyo takes extreme care to provide the best possible cosmetic results as these injuries are repaired, as well as to inspect critical structures, such as salivary glands, salivary ducts and facial nerves for damage, ensuring that any injuries to these structures are detected and treated as necessary for the best possible functional results.

Bone Injuries

Common bone injuries that occur in facial trauma cases include fractures of the upper or lower jaw and fractures in facial bones, such as the cheek, eye socket or nose. While fractured jaws or facial bones, like any other broken bone, must be stabilized for proper healing, the process is more complex, since casts are, for obvious reasons, not a practical solution. For jaw fractures, stabilization may be done by wiring the jaws together in some cases, while in others, Dr. Arroyo may use surgical placement of small plates and screws to stabilize the jaw – a technique called rigid fixation. Procedures for the treatment of fractured facial bones vary widely, according to the exact nature of the injury. However, what they all have in common is that Dr. Arroyo works to provide thorough and predictable treatment for each patient she serves, and is mindful of the need to ensure that affects on facial appearance are minimized.

Injuries to Teeth And/Or Dental Structures

Injuries to teeth and dental structures that require the expertise of oral and maxillofacial surgeons include avulsed (knocked out) teeth, displaced teeth, or fractures in the bone that supports teeth. Various forms of splinting are used to stabilize teeth or bone in these cases, including wiring or bonding. However, it is important to note that a tooth that has been knocked out should be placed in salt water or milk immediately to help it remain viable, and should never be cleaned, wiped or handled roughly to ensure that vital structures, like ligaments, are not disturbed – increasing the odds of successful therapy to replant the tooth. Should that effort fail, dental implants are often used to replace the tooth.